Super mario 3D shit!!!

so once i was fucking a bitch and i- dammit wrong story!!!.
so i was running like a retard in random places and i saw a game named in all fucking caps SUPER MARIO 3D SHIT LAND!!!.
i got duh shit and the employee said go fuck yourself.
so i ran out with it on meh ass. i went home and shit out a 3Ds and i put it in and it was horrible and shit!!!.
duh game- a goomba was eating marios face and it was bloody i tell you and the goomba turned around with a retarded face and it ran to luigi and pulled his pants down and went in his ass and it started bleeding like fuck.
luigi screamed and the goomba came out of his mouth and luigi was dead.
the goomba then ran around in circles for 7 minutes then got a gun and shot princess peach in duh head. peach died. duh goomba then ripped toads head off and smashed it and went to duh screen and yelled YOU BE NEXT!!!.
it then showed koopa eating mario in a shitty bloody mess.
i then played as 2nd toad and i was in duh grass land and all enemies were eating duh corpeses and i went in a 3D castle and there was all coprses hanging on giant hooks and then all goombas came and jumped on toad and ate him.
i was then yoshi and i was in duh grass levle and i went to duh flagpole and then the flagpole almost fell on meh.
then bowser bust threw duh wall and ate meh in a shitty bloody mess.
i was then the last toad chariter and i was in a haunted house and blood and shit was all over it and the creature from anmesia came and scratched meh to death.
duh game then exploded and a goomba jumped on meh and i think i died.